Composing a Resume in Markdown

I recently updated my resume, and after a few iterations of tweaking the same Pages file I started more than a decade ago, I decided that I really wanted source control to make it easier to keep track of changes and to have different versions of the same resume. Additionally, the very consistent structure and simplicity of a resume makes it a perfect candidate to be written in markdown, which is a text-based format and easy to have in source control.

Some quick searching confirmed my suspicion that many people were already doing this and that there are various tools available to make this easier. The primary tool is pandoc, which is a universal document converter. It can convert between many different formats, including markdown and PDF.


The other tool that makes for a very structured resume is JSON Resume. It's a JSON schema with standard fields for common resume sections like 'experience' and 'education' that can then easily be themed. I found this a little too limiting and not as readable in plain text as markdown.

In my case, I'm converting from markdown to HTML, injecting some CSS to make it look the way I want it to, and the converting that to PDF. LaTeX was another option but I wasn't familiar with either LaTeX or ConTeXt and didn't want to bother learning it just for this exercise.

Converting to HTML was generally easy.

pandoc --standalone --include-in-header resume.css --output resume.html

This gives a pretty good starting point even with no CSS at all. pandoc uses a custom markdown dialect with some extensions and other features, which makes it easy to add ids and classes to <h1>-<h6> elements. This is useful as it makes applying the right style to the right element easy. The resume itself is simple and so is the resulting HTML. pandoc does inject its own CSS as well, which is easy to override in the custom CSS file.

After tweaking the CSS to my liking, the next step was to convert the HTML to PDF format. This was a bit more complicated as there were multiple ways to do that:

I struggled a bit with which to choose, as the format for all of them wasn't quite right except for the print to PDF option in Safari. I ultimately settled on using wkhtmltopdf directly (without using pandoc for this step), after experimenting with these options and seeing which output I liked best. Converting the HTML to PDF was as simple as:

wkhtmltopdf -s letter resume.html resume.pdf

The -s letter option sets the paper size to US Letter since the default is A4. Nowadays it doesn't really matter as resumes are only ever used in digital format so the size of the PDF doesn't really matter anyway.

I then wrapped both commands in a simple shell script to make it easier to run:

pandoc \
    --standalone \
    --include-in-header resume.css \
    --output resume.html \

wkhtmltopdf -s letter resume.html resume.pdf

open resume.pdf && open resume.html

After some modifications to the markdown, running this script will quickly generate the HTML and PDF files and open them both so I can validate the result.

This setup ends up working pretty well for me for 3 reasons:

  1. With everything in a git repo I can make changes as I like, undo them easily, and use all of git's features on my resume. I push the markdown, HTML, and PDF versions to GitHub so I always have the latest version handy in a few different formats.
  2. The format and the content are for the most part separate, making it easier to focus on one or the other.
  3. Since everything is now text-based and not in proprietary binary formats, it's also easy to overengineer this in the future by including certain sections when applying to different jobs, including certain information only when certain flags are set, differentiating between a CV and a resume, etc.